Work on the project to convert the Old Mission Hall into a YHS Meeting-place/Archive/Heritage Centre is progressing steadily. We have just received news that we have been granted £2,500 from the Garfield Weston Foundation. This brings us closer to our goal of raising £27,300. In addition to this recent grant we have also received £14,340 from the Fallago Environment Fund and £4,000 from the Hugh Fraser Foundation (specifically for creating a new disabled access to the hall). We have also made over £2,000 from sales of our guide to the village - Yetholm Past and Present, A Walking Guide. We are very grateful to these grant-giving organisations. We are now just £4,460 short of our goal, so if anyone has bags of money lying around perhaps they could post them to us.
While the hard work of applying for grants is still on-going we are also working on other aspects of the project. The image above, created by Janet Canning, who also produced the images for Yetholm Past and Present, shows reivers from the Bowmont valley and will be used on one of the interpretive panels inside the Heritage Centre. Perhaps we could raise the remaining money by going on a raid across the border and helping ourselves to some English cattle ...?
February 2025